Journal title Journal of Midwifery Care
Abbreviation J. Midwifery Care
Short Title JMC
ISSN E-ISSN 2774-4167 (Online)
DOI Prefix 10.34305/jmc
Publication Frequency 2 Issue per tahun (Juni & Desember)
Publisher Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kuningan
National Accreditation SINTA 4 on SINTA: Science and Technology Index 
Indexing Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions, Crossref, Sinta 4
Editor in Chief Ai Nurasiah


Journal of Midwifery Care (E-ISSN 2774-4167) with accreditation number  72/E/KPT/2024 (Sinta, from VOL 2 No. 01 of 2021, to VOL 6 No. 01 of 2026) Is an open-access journal (e-journal) that publishes scientific work for health practitioners and researchers. The focus and scope of the journal include antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, neonatal care, vaccines and immunization, reproductive health, family planning, child growth and development, Siaga Village Posyandu, health education and counseling, and complementary midwifery. Articles from this journal are published every six months, namely in June and December (2 editions per year), and were developed by the Kuningan Health Sciences Research Institute. The editorial team of the Journal of Midwifery Care welcomes and invites researchers from all over the archipelago to submit their papers (original research articles, systematic reviews, and case studies) to be published in this journal.

Every article that is submitted will go through a review process using a double-blind review, meaning the author does not know who is reviewing it and the reviewer does not know who the author of the article is. This journal has had a DOI with the prefix 10.34305/jmc since publication in 2020

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Midwifery Care
					View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Midwifery Care
Published: 2024-06-08


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