Plagiarism & Retraction Policy

Journal of Midwifery Care The editorial board acknowledges the unacceptable nature of plagiarism and, accordingly, has established a policy that outlines specific actions (penalties) for any instances of plagiarism or similarity in articles submitted for publication in Journal of Midwifery Care. The Journal of Midwifery Care will utilize Turnitin's originality checking software to identify text similarities in both article manuscripts and the final versions of articles that are ready for publication. We allow a maximum of 30% of similarities in submitted papers. If the similarity index exceeds 30%, we will return the article to the author for correction and resubmission.


Plagiarism involves the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work."


Papers must be original, unpublished, and not pending publication elsewhere. Any material taken verbatim from another source needs to be clearly identified as different from the present original text by (1) indentation, (2) use of quotation marks, and (3) identification of the source.
Any text that exceeds fair use standards (defined as more than two or three sentences or the equivalent thereof) or any graphic material that is reproduced from another source requires permission from the copyright holder and, if feasible, the original author(s). Additionally, it requires identification of the source, such as a previous publication.
When plagiarism is detected, the Editor in Chief is responsible for reviewing the paper and will determine the appropriate measures based on the extent of the detected plagiarism, in accordance with the following guidelines:

Level of Plagiarism

  • A short section of another article is plagiarized without any significant data or ideas from the other paper.
  • Action: We issue a warning to the authors and request that they alter the text and properly cite the original article.
Intermediate: Someone plagiarizes a significant portion of a paper without properly citing the original work.
  • Action: We reject the submitted article and prohibit the authors from submitting further articles for a period of one year.
Severe: Plagiarism involves reproducing original results or ideas from another publication in a significant portion of a paper.
  • Action: We reject the paper and forbid the authors from submitting any more articles for five years.
All authors understand that they are responsible for the content of their submitted paper, having read and understood Journal of Midwifery Care Copyright and Licensing Terms. If plagiarism results in a penalty, it will apply to all authors equally.
If a second case of plagiarism by the same author(s) is found, the editorial board (Editor-in-Chief and Editorial members) and Chair will decide on enforcement. The editorial board may permanently forbid the author(s) from submitting any further articles.
The same author(s) may also reproduce content from another publication under this policy. When an author utilizes previously published text or figures, they must identify the corresponding paragraphs or figures and provide a reference to the previous publication. We understand that a review paper or tutorial paper typically contains a significant amount of previously published material.
The author should identify the source of the previously published material and obtain permission from the original author and the publisher. If an author submits a manuscript to Journal of Midwifery Care that significantly overlaps with a concurrently submitted manuscript to another journal, and the discovery of this overlap occurs during the review process or after the publication of both papers, the editor of the other journal receives notification and treats the case as a severe plagiarism case. Significant overlap means the use of identical or almost identical figures and identical or slightly modified text for one-half or more of the paper. If you find self-plagiarism in less than half of the paper, but more than one tenth of it, we will classify it as intermediate plagiarism. If the methods section contains only self-plagiarism, we will consider the case as minor plagiarism.
If an author uses some of his previously published material to clarify the presentation of new results, he must identify the previously published material and mention how it differs from the current publication. The copyright holder must grant permission for republishing. If the authors submit a manuscript from conference proceedings, either in its original form or expanded, for publication in Journal of Midwifery Care, they must cite the conference proceedings, note the publication date, and secure permission to republish from the copyright holder. The editor may decide not to accept this paper for publication.
However, an author may use content from an unpublished presentation, including visual displays, in a later journal publication. In the case of a publication being submitted that was originally published in another language, the title, date, and journal of the original publication must be identified by the authors and the copyright must be obtained. The editor may accept such a translated publication to bring it to the attention of a wider audience. To provide a better perspective on a series of papers published in one issue of Journal of Midwifery Care, the editor may select a specific published paper (e.g., a "historic" paper) for republication. The editor must clearly identify this republication, provide the date and journal of the original publication, and obtain permission from the author(s) and publisher.
The layout editor of the Journal of Midwifery Care is responsible for maintaining the list of authors subjected to penalties and will ensure that no authors of a submitted paper are on this list. If the layout editor identifies a banned author, they will notify the Editor-in-Chief, who will then take the necessary action. We will post this policy on the website along with the submission instructions, and send a copy to the authors along with the confirmation email upon initial receipt of their original manuscript.

Retractions and/or corrections

The publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.) discourages authors from withdrawing submitted manuscripts. During the time, Journal of Midwifery Care had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process. If the author(s) still wish to request a withdrawal, they must send an email to the editor of Journal of Midwifery Care using the same email address they used for correspondence.
Journal of Midwifery Care editors shall consider retracting a publication if:
  • They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of a major error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error) or as a result of fabrication (e.g., of data) or falsification (e.g., image manipulation).
  • It constitutes plagiarism.
  • The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (i.e., cases of redundant publication).
  • It contains material or data that has not been authorized for use.
  • There has been infringement of copyright or another serious legal issue (such as libel or privacy).
  • It reports unethical research.
  • Only a compromised or manipulated peer review process led to its publication.
  • The author(s) failed to disclose a major competing interest (a.k.a. conflict of interest) that, in the view of the editor, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors and peer reviewers.
Notices of retraction would:
  • Whenever possible, include a link to the retracted article in all online versions.
  • Clearly identify the retracted article (e.g., by including the title and authors in the retraction heading or citing the retracted article).
  • It should clearly identify itself as a retraction (i.e., distinct from other types of correction or comment).
  • Be published promptly to minimize the harmful effects.
  • Be freely available to all readers (i.e., not behind access barriers or available only to subscribers).
  • The state is retracting the article.
  • State the reason(s) for retraction.
  • Be objective, factual, and avoid inflammatory language.
Retractions are not usually appropriate if:
  • Although there is disagreement over the authorship, the findings' validity is undeniable.
  • The main findings of the work are still reliable, and correction could sufficiently address errors or concerns.
  • An editor has inconclusive evidence to support retraction or is awaiting additional information, such as from an institutional investigation.
  • The journal received reports of author conflicts of interest after publication, but the editor believes these were unlikely to have influenced the article's interpretations, recommendations, or conclusions.
Journal of Midwifery Care editors shall consider issuing an expression of concern if:
  • They receive inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct by the authors.
  • There is evidence that the findings are unreliable, but the authors’ institution will not investigate the case.
  • They believe a publication misconduct investigation might not be fair, impartial, or conclusive.
  • An investigation is underway, but a judgment will not be available for a considerable time.
Journal of Midwifery Care editors shall consider issuing a correction if:
  • A small portion of an otherwise reliable publication turns out to be misleading, primarily due to honest errors.
  • The author/contributor list is incorrect, either omitting a deserving author or including someone who does not meet authorship criteria.
The mechanism follows the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We have displayed the document below for your convenience.