Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pendidikan Kesehatan
Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pendidikan Kesehatan merupakan jurnal untuk menampung hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat, hasil penelitian di bidang Kesehatan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PMPKL) meliputi pengembangan sumber daya manusia di bidang Kesehatan, pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam bidang Kesehatan, pembangunan kesehatan pedesaan, promosi Kesehatan, penerapan teknologi dalam Kesehatan, aplikasi bisnis di bidang Kesehatan.
Jurnal JPPK terbit setiap 2 kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember (1 Volume atau 2 isu per tahun). Setiap artikel yang masuk, akan melewati proses review menggunakan double blind review, artinya penulis tidak mengetahui siapa yang mereview dan reviewer tidak mengetahui siapa penulis artikel. -
Public Health Innovation Conference
Innovation and Collaboration for Rural Health Community Stengthening
Kuningan, January 13, 2023
Hotel Grand Cordela, Kuningan-Indonesia
The Institute of Health Sciences Kuningan is hosted Public Health Innovation Conference for Master Degree of Public Health Program students, alumni and community partners. This forum will be used by the students to present the results of their innovation in health care and rural community projects, while it will provided the experiences for students to apply the knowledge and skills which acquired for their academic coursework by involving directly in community health challenges. This conference will also present reputable speakers to enrich the discussions and frame the student experiences with public health perspective. -
International Seminar of Gender Equity Maternal and Child Health
Health is a human right and an element of welfare that is realized following the ideals of the Indonesian people. Public health degree is still not optimal influenced by environmental conditions, community behavior, health services, and genetics (Kemenkes RI, 2017). Efforts to improve public health, especially family health, require women empowerment as part of community empowerment. Women empowerment to have an awareness of themselves as whole human beings and their position in their culture. Women need to be involved in planning, implementing program activities, and evaluating and analyzing development impacts (Rosalia, 2015). Women empowerment through active participation will generate benefits for the welfare of women and their families (Indriyati and Nugrahani, 2013).
Improving the quality of women is the basis for creating sustainable development for a nation. Therefore, it is necessary to empower women to have an awareness of themselves as whole human beings and their position in their culture. This empowerment is carried out by promoting health education, one of which is through seminars. In essence, health development is directed towards attaining awareness, willingness, and ability to live a healthy life for everyone, concerning physically, mentally, as well as socio-culture and economy. In order to achieve an optimal degree of health, various efforts are made to provide comprehensive, targeted, and sustainable health services. Maternal and child health problems are optimized by empowering women in the family. One form of cross-sectoral cooperation from the education and health sectors is to become a facilitator who is expected to increase women's knowledge as family educators, especially in efforts to improve maternally, child, and family health. Especially in the era pandemic of the Covid-19, women play a chief role. Women's role is also one of the keys to success in reducing the spread of covid-19. Data have shown that increasing covid-19 cases in Indonesia is due to transmission in the family cluster and has a significant impact mainly for vulnerable groups such as women, children, toddlers, people with disabilities, and the elderly.
Based on those rationales, Midwifery Department of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kuningan is conducting the first International Seminar titled "Empowerment of Women in Family Health"
This Activity aims to enhance discourses and develop innovative thinking around maternal health: Global Perspective, discussing specifically the concept of women's empowerment, women's equality in various activities (Political and economic activities to support gender-based services), and the role of midwives in empowering women or related to Inspiring Woman -
National Nursing Conference
Gangguan kesehatan mental emosional menjadi fokus kesehatan global karena berkaitan dengan kualitas penerus generasi bangsa. Kesehatan mental berperan penting dalam mempersiapkan tumbuh kembang anak, karena di dalam tubuh yang kuat terdapat jiwa yang sehat. Sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan dalam JAMA Pediatrics memperkirakan, sebanyak 16,5 persen anak di Amerika Serikat mengalami gangguan kesehatan mental. Kecemasan, depresi, bullying, kecanduan gagdet, ADHD, merupakan masalah kesehatan anak yang paling sering terjadi. Hal ini tentunya perlu diatasi segera, sebelum menjadi masalah yang lebih serius.
Bagaimana peran tenaga kesehatan, orang tua dan sekolah terhadap optimalisasi kesehatan jiwa pada anak dan remaja, akan kita dapatkan dari paparan dari Prof. Dr. Budi Ana Keliat, M.App.Sc sebagai Guru Besar di bidang keperawatan jiwa Universitas Indonesia
Kita juga akan belajar mengenai pencegahan dan penanganan depresi pada anak dan remaja di unit pelayanan jiwa anak dan remaja rumah sakit jiwa Indonesia dari sumbernya dr. Lahargo Kembaren, Sp. Kj yang merupakan dokter di Rumah Sakit Marzuki Mahdi Bogor.
Kami berharap semua peserta dapat memenuhi harapan mereka dan menimba ilmu dengan baik dari para pakar dengan dibuktikan penelitian-penelitian yang dipersentasikan.
Penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kami sampaikan kepada ketua sekolah tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kuningan dan Yayasan Pendidikan Bhakti Husada Kuningan, yang telah mendukung terlaksananya seminar ini. Selain itu, seminar ini tidak akan berjalan lancar tanpa kerja keras panitia, saya bangga kepada semuanya. Akhir kata terima kasih untuk semuanya untuk keberhasilan seminar ini.
Journal of Health Research Science
Journal of Health Research Science (JHRS) merupakan jurnal kemahasiswaan yang diterbitkan sejak bulan Juni tahun 2021. JHRS merupakn Jurnal yang memuat tulisan-tulisan mahasiswa yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian, literatur review maupun laporan kasus dalam bidang pendidikan ilmu kesehatan dari disiplin ilmu kesehatan masayarakat, keperawatan dan kebidanan baik penelitian. Diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Publikasi jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran konseptual atau ide-ide penelitian dan hasil yang telah dicapai didisiplin ilmu kesehatan masyarakat, keperawatan dan kebidanan. JHRS terutama menitikberatkan pada permasalahan utama dalam pengembangan ilmu kesehatan sebagai berikut: Administrasi dan kebijakan kesehatan, Kesehatan lingkungan, Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, Ergonomi, Promosi kesehatan dan ilmu perilaku, Hukum kesehatan, Demografi, Kesehatan perkotaan dan pedesaan, Pengendalian vektor, Penyakit menular dan tidak menular, Teknologi kesehatan lingkungan, Toksikologi lingkungan, Keperawatan Medikal Bedah, Perawatan Bersalin, Perawatan Anak, Perawatan Psikiatrik, Manajemen Komunitas, Perawatan Darurat, Keperawatan Geontologi, Perawatan Keluarga, Vaksin dan imunisasi, Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, Kesehatan reproduksi, Keluarga Berencana, Pendidikan dan konseling kesehatan, Komunitas kebidanan, gender, Kebidanan komplementer dan Patologi
Journal of Public Health Innovation
Journal of public health or the Journal of Public Health Innovation (JPHI) is a journal that is sheltered in the STIKES Kuningan institution and managed in the Public Health Study Program in the hope that the existence of JPHI can provide new changes and innovations in public health science with high mobilization of knowledge, skills and experience from research haril. JPHI is a Journal of Public Health or the Journal of Public Health Innovation (JPHI) is a journal sheltered in the Kuningan STIKES institution and managed in the Public Health Study Program with the hope that the existence of JPHI can provide change and innovation in scientific work throughout Indonesia. The first JPHI was established in 2019 which will be published twice a year following the publication of the journal STIKKU. Presented in a language that is easily understood by the public so that the Journal of Public Healthy Innovation will most often be read by doctors and health experts as reading material and references
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Husada: Health Sciences Journal
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Husada adalah jurnal akses terbuka (e-journal) yang menerbitkan karya ilmiah untuk praktisi kesehatan dan periset. Fokus dan cakupan jurnal meliputi keperawatan dewasa, keperawatan darurat, keperawatan gerontologis, keperawatan masyarakat, perawatan kesehatan mental, perawatan anak, perawatan ibu hamil, kepemimpinan dan manajemen keperawatan, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) dalam keperawatan dan pendidikan dalam keperawatan.
Artikel dari jurnal ini diterbitkan setiap enam bulan sekali, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember (2 isu per tahun), dan dikembangkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kuningan. Tim Editorial Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Husada menyambut baik dan mengundang peneliti dari seluruh nusantara untuk menyerahkan makalah mereka (artikel penelitian asli, tinjauan sistematis, dan studi kasus) untuk dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ini. Semua surat kabar diterbitkan segera setelah diterima. -
Journal of Midwifery Care
Journal of Midwifery Care Is an open-access journal (e-journal) that publishes scientific work for health practitioners and researchers. The focus and scope of the journal include antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, newborns, preschoolers, teens, reproductive health, family planning, emergencies, complementary midwifery. Articles from this journal are published every six months, namely in June and December (2 issues per year) and are developed by the Kuningan Institute of Health Sciences Research. The editorial team of the Journal of Midwifery Care welcomed and invited researchers from across the archipelago to submit their papers (original research articles, systematic reviews, and case studies) to be published in this journal.
Journal of Nursing Practice and Education
Journal of Nursing Practice and Education (JNPE) is an online publishing system based on Open Journal System published by the Institute of High School of Kuningan Health Sciences (STIKKU) and managed by the study program of Science Nursing. JNPE is a journal of scientific research results in the field of nursing with articles that have not been published online or printed versions. JNPE stands in 2020, has an online and print version with a schedule of publications in June and December in every year. JNPE is presented in a language that is easily understood by the community so that the Journal Of Nursing Practice And Education can be used as a reading and reference material by all nursing personnel.